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DDL Generator for Hibernate 5 Usage


General usage

Include the plugin into Maven

To use the plugin add it the the build plugins in your POM:

            <artifactId>hibernate5-ddl-maven-plugin-hibernate52</artifactId> <!-- Change to match your Hibernate version -->
            <version>2.0.0</version> <!-- Change to latest version available -->
                <customDialects> <!-- Optional -->

Configuration parameters

The plugin has two mandatory configuration parameters. The first on are the dialects for which DDL scripts will be generated. There are two options for configured the dialects. The first option is to use the dialects parameter. This parameter allows to specify the names of the SQL dialects for which a schema is generated by their name. For a list of supported dialects refer to the JavaDoc of the Dialect:hibernate5-ddl-maven-plugin-core/apidocs/index.html?de/jpdigital/maven/plugins/hibernate5ddl/Dialect.html}} enumeration. The second option is to use the customDialects parameter. The customDialects parameter allows you to specify the dialects to use with the fully qualified name of the class which provides the implementation of the dialect. The class has must be available on the class path at build time. Custom dialects are supported since version 2.1.

The second parameter are the packages which contain the entity classes.

If you are using Envers in some of your entities no additional configuration is necessary. The usage of Envers is automatically detected by Hibernate.

Other parameters

Starting with version 2.1 it is possible to customize the name of the output file(s) using several parameters:

  • outputDirectory allows you to change the name of directory where the generated files are put. The default is ${}/generated-resources/sql/ddl/auto>. The placeholder ${} is the path of the target directory.

  • outputFileNamePrefix If this parameter is set the name of each generated file will be prefixed with the string set in this parameter.

  • outputFileNameSuffix If this parameter is set the value will be appended the name of each generated to the name of each generated file.

  • omitDialectFromFileName If set to true and only one dialect and either outputFileNamePrefix or outputFileNameSuffix are set the name of the dialect will be omitted from the name of the generated file. If both outputFileNamePrefix and outputFileNameSuffix are set their values are concatenated.

  • includeTestClasses If set to true entities classes in src/test are are included into the generated schema.

  • Starting with version 2.2 only specific properties from the persistence.xml file are passed to hibernate. This properties can be configured using persistencePropertiesToUse parameter. Only properties starting with the strings listed in this parameter are passed to Hibernate. If the parameter is not a default configuration equivalent to the following configuration will be used:

            <artifactId>hibernate5-ddl-maven-plugin-hibernate52</artifactId> <!-- Change to match your Hibernate version -->
            <version>2.2.0</version> <!-- Change to latest version available -->

Maven repository

The plugin is available from the Maven Central repository, therefore no special configuration is needed.

Include generated SQL scripts into project archive

The default output directory for the SQL DDL scripts is ${}/generated-resources/sql/ddl/auto. ${} is usually the target directory of your project. To include the SQL scripts into the project archive you must add the directory in the resources element inside the your build configuration, for example like this:


Using generated SQL scripts in the tests

If you want to use the generated SQL DDL scripts in your tests you must also add the generated-resources directory to the test classpath:
