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The owlapi-simplex project provides some utilities to make accessing OWL ontologies easier. The standard way for working with OWL ontologies is the [](OWL API). Using this API often requires a lot a boiler plate code.

owlapi-simplex provides a code generator which can generate some of this boiler plate code automatically for a specific OWL ontology. The project also includes some utilities in the owlapi-simplex-utils module which can be used independently from the code generators.

For invoking the code generators a CLI interface and a Maven plugin are provided. Instructions for using the the Maven plugin and the CLI interface can be found on the pages of their Maven modules.

The code generators can generate the following code:

  • Classes with constants for all entity types in an OWL ontology: ** Classes ** ObjectProperties ** DataProperties ** Individuals ** AnnotationProperties
  • Repository classes for each OWL class with methods for ** Retrieving all instances of class ** Retrieving all instances with a specific value for a data property
  • A loader class which loads the ontology

More information about the generated code can be found on the Generated code page.

As indidicate by the version the owlapi-simplex project is currently in its early stages. It is usable but may not work with all ontologies or produce unexpected results. Before opening an issue to suggest a feature please look at the Roadmap if the feature is already in there.

If you have an OWL ontology for which owlapi-simplex does not work or produces unexpected results please on issue and attach an ontology which allows it to reproduce the issue.